Our Benefice is led by our Rector, Revd. Katie Jackson. She is supported by a vibrant team of Associate and retired priests, Lay Worship Leaders, Lay Pastoral Assistants and our Children and Families’ worker.


Associate and Retired Priests

Revd. Tessa Mann, Revd. Tim Hawkings, Revd. Keith Charnley and Revd. Paul Batson are Church of England Priests who volunteer their time to support the work of our churches. We are fortunate to benefit from an eclectic ministry team. From life event services and meditation groups to more traditional and charismatic worship, our team enjoy offering a variety of services that enrich our communities.


Children’s and Families worker

Zoe Yeomans brings with her years of experience working as a primary school teacher and a leader of Rainbows. She is committed to connecting children and families throughout the benefice with our churches through activity teas, workshops, holiday clubs and work within our three Schools and local nurseries, as well as projects involving the church members and the wider community.

Lay Pastoral Assistants

Stephen Pike, Denise Davies, Gill Fairhurst, Daphne Cox, Elizabeth Bush and James Middleton are members of the congregation who support the ministry team in offering pastoral care. Each person's role will vary according to their skills and experience. Some will accompany families considering baptism, others choose to work in bereavement support or taking Holy Communion in the home. In all cases, this work calls for a loving and compassionate heart, and the ability to offer non-judgemental listening and support.

Lay Worship Leaders

Our Lay Worship Leaders are Cedric Pierce, Penny Pierce, Zoe Yeomans and Alison Wells. They play a vital role in the life of our Benefice by leading a wide variety of worship including Morning Prayer, Compline and our more informal service called Refresh. They each bring their own individual gifts, ensuring that our worship is creative, enriching and steeped in prayer and praise.

The Church Wardens

St Peter's Church, Monkton Farleigh - Rachel Exley and Colin Exley

St James Church, South Wraxall - David Wyper and Valentine Thornhill   

St Nicholas Church, Winsley - Roy Ludlow and Lindsay Batson.

Christ Church, Bradford on Avon - post vacant.

"Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love"     Mother Teresa

Revd Katie Jackson